Other women have lost brows due to aging, alopecia, or through chemoptherapy.
When my clinical esthetician suggested that pernanent brows may be in order I realized I had not paid much attention to them except on special occasions when I applied pencil or powder. I looked back at photos as well as at models in magazines and noticed that brows certainly enhanced the eyes and gave the face a fresher younger appearance.
For awhile I used brush and powder on a regular basis to see if there really was improvement. Soon I did not feel my makeup was finished without brow enhancement.
I had a lot of question including if the tatooing turns colour over time or just fades. If it hurts. How is the colour chosen? What happens if you change your hair colour? And most of all the skill of the artist. I refer to the clinician as an artist because you really have to have an artistic eye.
The clinician should also have the skill to determine the shape for the individual as well as the length, including the start and end points most esthetically flattering for the person. Using a template or 'one size fits all' will not suffice.
You should be able to view many before and after pictures done specifically by the technician who will be performing the treatment. Even better - pictures immediately after and then 1-2 months later.
Be aware that initially the brows will be darker than they will end up - so don't panic. You should have every question answered to your satisfaction.
Cost: Considering it is semi permanent - you must consider that factor in your request for a quote. You will have the benefit of many years of use for the money! Examples of a problem and correction.
Below - sparse and missing areas in brow

Immediately after permanent eyebrow application

After - End Result

For a great resource with questions and answers as well as before and after pictures
click here: North Okanagan Skin and Laser
For what I consider a funny approach to brows see the prior article The crazy world of cosmetic surgery.