Saturday, March 28, 2009


There could be many reasons such as thyroid malfunction, malnutrition, skin disorder etc.

But first review your hygiene products such as shampoo cosmetics etc.

I have tortured my hair for years with colour, curl, hot irons, blow dryers etc. But my hair remained shinny and healthy. My hairdresser often commented that it must be because I eat so healthy.

Well a few months ago I freaked out because my hair was coming out by the handful and I actually thought I might be getting areas of alopecia.

My hair has always been my favourite feature. In fact in my twenties I did some hair modelling. So when it started to fall out, panic set in.

Coincidentally I was reading a report by a personal trainer about solvents in many common over the counter products.

From my occupational health background I remember solvents are not something you want on your skin - they can pass the skin barrier and at the least cause dermatitis and with a severe exposure can cause systemic problems including kidney failure, central nervous system problems etc. The side effects of course are generally dose related as well as related to the type of solvent thus in industry there are rules to follow using personal protective equipment and/or ventilation and other measures to avoid exposure.

Anyway her article reminded me of a similar article I wrote in the 70's about some of the outrageous ingredients in cosmetics.

In the case of my hair, I thought back to what had changed several months before from the perspective of my hair products.

I have always been faithful and only used professional products recommended by my hairdresser. However my curls were a bit relaxed and one day while in the local drug store I saw a product on the shelf that was a curl enhancer. I bought up a few bottles and used it almost daily. My curls were instantly bouncy.

However, as I mentioned my hair began falling out.

I immediately grabbed the bottle and sure enough reading the ingredients - it contained a solvent common in many cosmetic and hygiene products 'propylene glycol'
it is used as an emmulsifier, degreaser etc. But nearly everything else I have has it as an ingredient as well.

I reasearched it and there were articles absolutely reporting that exposure to so many products with this solvent is a health risk as well as a number saying - kaffooey - it is too small an amount to worry about.

I conditioned my hair with natural oil and stopped using the product. (I either use natural unrefined virgin coconut oil from the health food store or olive oil). Within days I had no new hair loss other than the occasional one due to normal shedding. My spots that I was worried about are growing back.

I don't know who is right or wrong but I doubt that the propylene glycol was the problem versus another ingredient because although I stopped using the offending product, my professional products have the same chemical. So anecdotally, starting and stopping the use of the product for curl enhancement coincided exactly with the symptoms. This temporal association is enough for me not to use the product no matter what the offending chemical is.

You can read one of the articles by clicking on the link below.

Click this link to read an article about the chemical (it is also used in medications). Do your own research.

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